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February 2024 Babies
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I’m sure some of us are thriving and some are stressed. Please share what’s going great and what’s not? Current schedule? And any tips for other mamas.
My babe was born small, we had tons of pressure to over feed which led to a terrible bottle aversion. We got over it, thank god, but he’s still a little guy around 12th percentile for weight and 30 for height. He never drank the “minimum” but at almost 11 months he does well lol. Right now this is our schedule :
7 am bottle
8 am breakfast
11:30 am bottle
12:30 lunch
3 pm snack
5pm dinner
7 pm bottle
He’s doing okayy with a straw cup with water and solids are okay as well. I’m doing mainly BLW and he’s not over the moon with food, but likely because he’s had a bottle. Dinner does go pretty well, by that time he’s pretty hungry!
I’m nervous to transition to whole milk, mainly because I know consumption will drop, and we should be relying on solids by that time.
How is your journey, I hope it’s going well!
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It’s a struggle with food but we offer it three times a day but it doesn’t always go well. Nervous t switch to milk but I want to be done pumping
5:30am breastfeed
Back to sleep
7:30/8am breakfast usually oatmeal with peanut butter and banana (he loves that)
10 or 11 bottle or breastfeed and nap
1pm lunch - we like to change this up try new stuff
3pm bottle or breastfeed and nap
5:30/6 pm dinner
7:30pm breastfeed
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My babe is a night owl �� - Doing really well with solids and drinking from a straw cup with water. I’ll usually carry it around with us and she’ll go to it when she wants a little sip. She’s ok with a cup, but I’m working on that. I’m really nervous to switch to milk because it’s been a long journey with lactose intolerance and the pediatrician wants us to try whole milk first. I’d rather go lactose free milk first ���� She’s on the smaller side
10a wake/Bottle
12:30 p - Breakfast (she usually loves eggs & mini sweet potato pancake with strawberries)
1 p - Nap
2 p - Bottle
4 p - Lunch (Usually involving some peanut butter)
5 p - Nap & Bottle
6:30 p - 7 p - Wake
8 p - Dinner (usually give her whatever we’re eating. By this time she doesn’t eat a whole lot from her plate because she’s always more interested in ours - even if it’s the same ����♀️)
9 p - Last bottle/bath after
9:45 - 10p Bedtime
She was picky at first but I just kept being persistent and trying to find creating ways to introduce stuff. Hence she hates sweet potato by itself, so I incorporated them into pancakes and she loves it. I keep increasing the sweet potato content each time ��
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Solids are interesting for us as we’re dealing with CMPA and an egg allergy. But she loves to eat! Chilli (I smash the beans) is one of her favorites. She’s breastfed on demand right now (which I plan to continue with until 18ish months, when I’ll switch to a schedule), so between that and allergies, I have no real plans to switch to milk anytime soon. She loves drinking water out of straw cups and 360 cups (especially stealing her big sisters!)
General schedule:
7:15- wake, nurse
10/10:30-nurse, nap
11:30-wake (we have to pick big sister up at noon)
She’ll wake normally between 4-5, depending on the older kids schedules (some days we have to leave by 3:30 to make dance class)
Dinner is at 6:30
Bedtime between 7:30/8 (she nurses to sleep)
She still wakes to nurse overnight, she’s getting another tooth, so that’s been more frequent lately, but it was usually once a night
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